Button #
The button component is the primary component for user interaction. Buttons should primarily be used for interactivity and user actions, and not for navigation.
If you do want to use a Button for navigation purposes, you can set the tag
property to an anchor (a
) element.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Button } from '@sigveh/basic-ui'
<Button theme="primary">Primary button</Button>
Demo #
Type definitions #
interface ButtonProps {
label?: string
tag?: string
size?: ButtonSize
theme?: ButtonTheme
loading?: boolean
disabled?: boolean
type?: ButtonType
type ButtonSize = 'small' | 'default'
type ButtonType = 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset'
type ButtonTheme = 'default' | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'tertiary' | 'link'
Slots #
- default
- icon-left
- icon-right